
Resolve Issues Rapidly

It’s remarkable how quickly we can resolve issues when it counts—like finding a coronavirus vaccine. How come it can take so long, then, to resolve issues when the stakes aren’t quite as high? Let’s take a look at some of the causes and explore opportunities to do better. (more…)


Control Work Release

Releasing new work at the rate you’re completing old work is one of the most productivity-enhancing actions you can take, and yet equally, one of the most challenging improvements to accomplish. (more…)


Work Fully Kitted

If you have the courage not to start a task until you are confident you have all you need to finish it, you and your organisation will be more productive. To validate that assertion, we have to unpack the concept. (more…)


Maintain True Data

Dodgy data dulls your senses and leads to poor decision-making. Why? The purpose of your information system is to help you do two things: make sense of what is happening in your environment and support effective decision-making.(more…)


Virtuous Means

Business is and has always been a reflection of and a transmission vector for the culture of its age. Business in our age is increasingly infected by what the evolutionary psychologist Gad Saad calls “idea pathogens”. If those of us in the world of business don’t dare to speak freely and give expression to heterodox views, then we will have none to blame but ourselves when the genius of our free enterprise system collapses under the relentless and decades-long march of political correctness through our institutions. As a consequence, we will all be poorer in mind, body and spirit.(more…)


Realising the future

‘The future ain’t what it used to be,’ said Yogi Berra. But we can at least think about what we might do to make it turn out more favourably than if we just allowed matters to run their course. (more…)


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